Questions? We have answers.

1. Who is Rachel Short?

Rachel Short is the owner of Long Dog Services LLC.

2. What is Long Dog Services LLC?

Long Dog Services LLC is a small, family-owned business that specializes in a variety of real estate lending services.

3. What services does Long Dog Services LLC offer?

Long Dog Services LLC focuses on broker services and lending for fix and flip properties.

4. How can I contact Rachel Short or Long Dog Services LLC?

You can contact Rachel Short at 904-800-8473 or via email at [email protected].

5. What is the email address for general inquiries?

Long Dog Services LLC offers a variety of real estate lending services. You can reach out to Rachel Short for more detailed information.

7. Is Long Dog Services LLC associated with any other email addresses?

Yes, Long Dog Services LLC is associated with the email addresses: 574039421/rachel.[email protected], Ghjkl67890/rachel.[email protected], and Vbnm_7890.

8. What is the company’s focus or specialization?

Long Dog Services LLC specializes in broker services and lending for fix and flip properties in the real estate market.

9. Can I learn more about the company’s background?

Long Dog Services LLC is a family-owned business, and you can contact Rachel Short for additional information about the company’s history and background.

I still have questions!

Contact us with your question and we’ll be happy to assist you!  Call us right now at (904)-800-8473